We handle your data with care. Of course we never give them to third parties. Also what happens or what you say during a session/retreat will never be discussed by name with others. Otherwise, sensitive information, such as a pre-retreat questionnaire, is kept in secure folders and removed from all other places. No one except involved trainers will see this, if it is helpful for proper guidance.

Our follow-up training takes place in groups. Sometimes you may want to share about sensitive themes or experiences in the group, because that can greatly contribute to your development process. To ensure everyone’s privacy, we ask all our participants to commit to confidentiality. This means that you do not make any recordings (photo, video or audio) during the training. It also means that you speak to others only about your own experience in the training, and not about the experience of others – and certainly will not name them.

This way we can all open safely and give space to natural growth as it presents itself. Please get in touch if you have any questions about this.

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