
Do you have a question about our offer or our work? A good topic for our podcast? Need to deepen your relationship? Contact us; we’d love to talk to you.

You can also reach us at {first name trainer} @

Business information Evening full of Attention:

Chamber of Commerce: Avond vol Aandacht is directed as a trademark of Atelier Aandacht under number: 52147975

Address: We are located at Commelinstraat 47 sous in Amsterdam (visit by appointment only).
When booking a private session or training you will receive the address of our locations in good time.

Bank: NL68 ASNB 0267 1727 61
VAT: NL001416983B10

Here you will find the general terms and conditions for all private sessions and training sessions of Evening full of Attention.
Here you will find the code of ethics that we adhere to.

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