Irene Postma

Ik neem jullie mee op avontuur

Ik ervaar meer verbinding en echtheid in mijn relaties, nu ik Tantra beoefen. Ik voel me vaker gezien en ontmoet omdat ik mijzelf ook vaker laat zien. 

Steeds minder vaak vlucht ik mijn hoofd in. Ik ben meer aanwezig in mijn lijf, en luister naar de signalen die mijn lichaam afgeeft. Daardoor voel ik mijn verlangens en grenzen meer. Ik voel me sensueler en vrijer.

Ik laat jullie die verbinding en vrijheid ook graag ervaren in een Avond vol Aandacht: een drie uur durende workshop waarin je samen met je geliefde kennismaakt met de weldaad van Tantra in jullie relatie. 

En dat in een bijzondere setting; ik ontvang jullie in een prachtig monumentaal pand op landgoed Nieuw Amelisweerd, vlakbij Utrecht.’

Wat mensen over hun sessies met Irene zeggen:

Boek jullie privé Tantra workshop met Irene

Boek jullie Avond vol Aandacht met Irene eenvoudig via haar online agenda, hieronder.
Mochten jullie geen match vinden met jullie agenda, stuur haar dan een mailtje naar: irene @

Thu 27 Feb 2025
14:00 - 17:00 hrs
Private Tantra Workshop for Couples with Irene | in Amelisweerd
Private Tantra workshop for couples with Irene - in the beautiful surroundings of Amelisweerd, Utrecht. Deepen your intimacy in this 3hr adventure, in which you'll meet yourself and your beloved in a new way. The mentioned price is for the two of you, and includes tea, sweets and an aftercare email series to support you to keep your practice alive at home. After booking, we'll send you a confirmation email with my address and other practical information + your invoice. If our agenda's don't match, please contact me at Irene @
1 spot available
€ 449
Tue 11 Mar 2025
14:00 - 17:00 hrs
Private Tantra Workshop for Couples with Irene | in Amelisweerd
Private Tantra workshop for couples with Irene - in the beautiful surroundings of Amelisweerd, Utrecht. Deepen your intimacy in this 3hr adventure, in which you'll meet yourself and your beloved in a new way. The mentioned price is for the two of you, and includes tea, sweets and an aftercare email series to support you to keep your practice alive at home. After booking, we'll send you a confirmation email with my address and other practical information + your invoice. If our agenda's don't match, please contact me at Irene @
1 spot available
€ 449
Wed 26 Mar 2025
9:30 - 12:30 hrs
Private Tantra Workshop for Couples with Irene | in Amelisweerd
Private Tantra workshop for couples with Irene - in the beautiful surroundings of Amelisweerd, Utrecht. Deepen your intimacy in this 3hr adventure, in which you'll meet yourself and your beloved in a new way. The mentioned price is for the two of you, and includes tea, sweets and an aftercare email series to support you to keep your practice alive at home. After booking, we'll send you a confirmation email with my address and other practical information + your invoice. If our agenda's don't match, please contact me at Irene @
1 spot available
€ 449
Mon 7 Apr 2025
9:30 - 12:30 hrs
Private Tantra Workshop for Couples with Irene | in Amelisweerd
Private Tantra workshop for couples with Irene - in the beautiful surroundings of Amelisweerd, Utrecht. Deepen your intimacy in this 3hr adventure, in which you'll meet yourself and your beloved in a new way. The mentioned price is for the two of you, and includes tea, sweets and an aftercare email series to support you to keep your practice alive at home. After booking, we'll send you a confirmation email with my address and other practical information + your invoice. If our agenda's don't match, please contact me at Irene @
1 spot available
€ 449
Mon 7 Apr 2025
14:00 - 17:00 hrs
Private Tantra Workshop for Couples with Irene | in Amelisweerd
Private Tantra workshop for couples with Irene - in the beautiful surroundings of Amelisweerd, Utrecht. Deepen your intimacy in this 3hr adventure, in which you'll meet yourself and your beloved in a new way. The mentioned price is for the two of you, and includes tea, sweets and an aftercare email series to support you to keep your practice alive at home. After booking, we'll send you a confirmation email with my address and other practical information + your invoice. If our agenda's don't match, please contact me at Irene @
1 spot available
€ 449
Tue 15 Apr 2025
14:00 - 17:00 hrs
Private Tantra Workshop for Couples with Irene | in Amelisweerd
Private Tantra workshop for couples with Irene - in the beautiful surroundings of Amelisweerd, Utrecht. Deepen your intimacy in this 3hr adventure, in which you'll meet yourself and your beloved in a new way. The mentioned price is for the two of you, and includes tea, sweets and an aftercare email series to support you to keep your practice alive at home. After booking, we'll send you a confirmation email with my address and other practical information + your invoice. If our agenda's don't match, please contact me at Irene @
1 spot available
€ 449
Thu 17 Apr 2025
14:00 - 17:00 hrs
Private Tantra Workshop for Couples with Irene | in Amelisweerd
Private Tantra workshop for couples with Irene - in the beautiful surroundings of Amelisweerd, Utrecht. Deepen your intimacy in this 3hr adventure, in which you'll meet yourself and your beloved in a new way. The mentioned price is for the two of you, and includes tea, sweets and an aftercare email series to support you to keep your practice alive at home. After booking, we'll send you a confirmation email with my address and other practical information + your invoice. If our agenda's don't match, please contact me at Irene @
1 spot available
€ 449
Wed 23 Apr 2025
14:00 - 17:00 hrs
Private Tantra Workshop for Couples with Irene | in Amelisweerd
Private Tantra workshop for couples with Irene - in the beautiful surroundings of Amelisweerd, Utrecht. Deepen your intimacy in this 3hr adventure, in which you'll meet yourself and your beloved in a new way. The mentioned price is for the two of you, and includes tea, sweets and an aftercare email series to support you to keep your practice alive at home. After booking, we'll send you a confirmation email with my address and other practical information + your invoice. If our agenda's don't match, please contact me at Irene @
1 spot available
€ 449
Tue 6 May 2025
9:30 - 12:30 hrs
Private Tantra Workshop for Couples with Irene | in Amelisweerd
Private Tantra workshop for couples with Irene - in the beautiful surroundings of Amelisweerd, Utrecht. Deepen your intimacy in this 3hr adventure, in which you'll meet yourself and your beloved in a new way. The mentioned price is for the two of you, and includes tea, sweets and an aftercare email series to support you to keep your practice alive at home. After booking, we'll send you a confirmation email with my address and other practical information + your invoice. If our agenda's don't match, please contact me at Irene @
1 spot available
€ 449
Tue 6 May 2025
14:00 - 17:00 hrs
Private Tantra Workshop for Couples with Irene | in Amelisweerd
Private Tantra workshop for couples with Irene - in the beautiful surroundings of Amelisweerd, Utrecht. Deepen your intimacy in this 3hr adventure, in which you'll meet yourself and your beloved in a new way. The mentioned price is for the two of you, and includes tea, sweets and an aftercare email series to support you to keep your practice alive at home. After booking, we'll send you a confirmation email with my address and other practical information + your invoice. If our agenda's don't match, please contact me at Irene @
1 spot available
€ 449

Het verhaal van Irene

‘Tantra is verweven met mijn leven. 

Toen ik Tantra ontdekte, merkte ik dat zelfonderzoek licht en luchtig kan zijn. Kennelijk was ik ervan uitgegaan dat het moeilijk, pijnlijk of zwaar zou worden, maar het was juist heel vitaal, vol levenslust. 

Ik genoot van de uitnodiging –misschien ook de toestemming– om ‘gewoon’ maar aanwezig te zijn in het moment.’ 

Ervaring & Opleiding

‘Naast Tantra begeleider bij Avond vol Aandacht ben ik haptotherapeut met mijn eigen praktijk. 

Ik zou mezelf beschrijven als contactvol, open, nieuwsgierig, betrokken, aanwezig en afgestemd.

Ik kijk ernaar uit om jullie mee te nemen op avontuur. Ontroerend om zo dichtbij te mogen komen en getuige te zijn van jullie proces. Een Avond vol Aandacht kan echt iets toevoegen aan jullie relatie, zowel tijdens de sessie als daarna.’

2012 – 2017 Haptotherapie
Academie voor Haptonomie Doorn

2010 – 2012 Basisopleiding Haptonomie
Academie voor Haptonomie, Doorn 

1998 – 2000 Maatschappelijk werk en Dienstverlening Hanzehogeschool Groningen

1994 – 1998 Sociaal Pedagogische Hulpverlening Hanzehogeschool Groningen

Ik laat me regelmatig bijscholen, onder andere in schematherapie, psychopathologie, haptotherapie en trauma, haptotherapie en seksualiteit, haptotherapie en ademwerk.

2021 – heden: Mysterieschool Centrum voor Tantra

Sinds 2000: werkzaam binnen de geestelijke gezondheidszorg als zorgcoördinator, lichaamsgericht therapeut en groepstherapeut.

Sinds 2019 assisteer ik bij  de retraites van het Centrum voor Tantra, o.a.: de Jong Tantra, de Vrouwenweek, de Jade-Ei training en de Tantra Training

Sinds 2017 heb ik mijn eigen haptotherapie praktijk 

2016 – 2018: Jaartraining Centrum voor Tantra

2014: Introductiegroep Centrum voor Tantra


Natuur, bergen en strijklicht.
Wandelen, fietsen en schoonheid.

Mijn guilty pleasures zijn motorrijden, flirten in de file & Caol Ila.

Beluister de podcast met Irene:

Een avontuur met je geliefde

Zin in meer verdieping, verbinding en plezier met je partner? 

Maak samen met je partner in drie uur kennis met de weldaad van Tantra. Irene geeft jullie praktische tools mee om ook jullie intieme relatie thuis te verrijken.

Download our Free Partner Exercise

and experience the wellness of Tantra at home.